Wishlist Wednesday Flash Sale is Coming....!

It's time to play Fast and Loose!

It's also nearly time for Christmas.

It's time for a flashy Flash Sale.

So let's do this. A super swift Flash Sale will be happening on, and only on, our Membrz page, this Wednesday the 18th of December. Which means there's just enough time for us to ship these sweet, sweet deals, directly to your door.

Would you like to know what time? Well, then you should sign up to our Membrz Club page. Membrz will receive advance notice of the online opening time. Hours will be very limited, as will the stock so it's always best to get in early.

If you don't sign up, the general public will receive notification, one hour after opening.

But for the Membrz, as ever, there will be preferential treatment. You will be ushered into secret rooms and handed a sherry and some comfortable slippers. Secrets will be whispered.

Figuratively of course.

But the Membrz will receive notifications and lists of deals and all the good things!

So sign up to be the first in the door.

Deals will be limited, stock is limited and time is very much limited. So don't delay.

Get involved, and let's all get some sweet new toys for Christmas.

See you there.


2 months ago


Welcome, welcome, welcome!

Come everyone, gather around for we have something new to share......

You are cordially invited to join us here, as a group of the praised, the anointed, members of an elite order of the blessed.

We have glorious things to share and these things will only be available here, to the few, to the Membrz.

So I implore thee, join us.

There will be news, likely there will be invitations but most importantly, there will be sweet, sweet deals. Deals the likes of which shall cause excited whispers in the halls of the mighty.

And these deals will only be available here.

To the Membrz.

Onwards to Glory.


4 months ago